Wednesday, January 06, 2021

Losing Weight Rant and Sob Story

No pictures today but doing a quick post driven by my trainer to think about.  She asked for us to come up with one or more things we could see ourselves doing again, ONCE we start losing weight and getting back in shape. 

Hmmm, the first thing is NOT TO HURT!  I know my joints are full of arthritis and are breaking down but that is mainly because of the weight that I've allowed to accumulate onto my short 5'3" body.  The joints are just over it and rebelling.  I want to not be in pain with every single step I take.   I know losing the weight will make a huge impact on that.

Second, is I want the ability to get up and down off the floor with little Min, play with my granddaughters, not use them as go-fers for me.  Again, this goes back to loss of weight will make it easier for me to move.

I can't really think of anything else except to be able to move better.  It's funny that 2 years ago I was in such good shape but ever since the hysterectomy and the knee procedure the weight has just accumulated by leaps and bounds.  I'm pretty sure part of my issue is hormones or lack there of because of the hysterectomy (hair loss too and dry skin) but I am NOT going on hormones, not ever.  Just going to eat better and that is what I am trying to do.  

Guess this is a weight loss rant and sob story.

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