Friday, April 18, 2008


Here I am at the cabin on a Friday morning and I'm loving it. I didn't have to do payroll today so yesterday I took off for an extra day of privacy and beauty. Luckily the neighbor has an Internet connection that I can latch onto here. Yesterday afternoon I got up here before the storms started but about 7 pm the deluge hit. My neighbor and good friend "Harry" was undecided whether she should chance it and in between storms started here. I knew when she was halfway here and that she was being hammered by the torrential rains that hit. She finally arrived a little after 8 pm and I helped her get her two little dogs inside and then she helped me dry out my drenched clothes while we sipped a glass of wine and waited for the rain to stop so we could we could unload her car. At about 9:30 there was a lull and we unloaded and then it started again. I told her I was going back to my cabin before it hit again...good thing too. Our cabins have connecting back doors so it's not far but there is usually a lake in between.

Today as I was looking at my emails I got one from and this past few months there have been 13 looksees at my page and low and behold they are all from guys in the class before me. Hmmm...I must have been hot or something...I will have to download a pic sometime and let you judge. Imagine my surprise. I was so shy back then but so wanted to be liked and I think I was pretty hot, maybe I was. OH wait I found one. It's a little dorky but underneath the robes is a size one.

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