Friday, June 10, 2022


 I am just going to get on my soap box here so hang on while I rant please.

Everyday, especially around news time the commercials start, the political commercials and I get madder and madder with each and every one.  First of all I am a Liberal-Republican and not proud of the Republican part of that either, especially now in this political climate.  First of all where the HELL ARE THE WOMEN running!  There are none to speak of and that is scary for a woman right now.  All the women I see are the wives standing by their egotistical Republican husbands with their bajallion children, just nodding and smiling like a Stepford Wife!  Good grief.  These "men" are all running on the conservative republican platform, praying and preaching all about taking back America.  We have America you IDIOTS!  If I wanted to pray or be prayed too I would go to church.  Please DO NOT cram your religious leanings down my throat, they are NOT SUPPOSED to be a part of politics.  We have taken a GIGANTIC leap backward for women in this country and I am scared to death to be a woman right now.  We are losing our rights women, letting men control us yet again and it scares the hell out of me.  We are also wanting to put our children in fricking "prison" schools with armed guards, locked doors, and absolute fear.  The damage that is happening to our children is heartbreaking.  Hey, I like owning a gun but when are we going to wake up and take a stand and put a halt to civilians owning military type guns.  That should not happen, ever.  In my day when we went to school it was nothing to see a shotgun in the back window of a kids truck.  We had a healthy fear and were also taught about guns, they were used to hunt deer or squirrels.  I don't understand where it has all gone wrong.  Is it video games that have desensitized our children to them.  All this crap on television, video games, movies about this horrible violence, just dishing it out like Sesame Street for those vulnerable brains to absorb and twist into weird reality.  

Friends, I am scared for this country.  I am scared for my fellow women and what is happening for us.  I'm scared for our babies.  I can't keep getting angry at the idiots on television and I'm tired of muting it constantly.  This is not right, none of it is.  This latest shooting at St. Francis, The Hubby and I both lost a doctor, my shoulder doctor and his back doctor, Dr. Peterson.  I loved Stephanie Husen.  This one has hit way too close to home and that school in Texas just...I can't even find the words how horrific that was.  Why in heaven's name do these idiots take it out on babies for God's Sake!  WHAT THE HELL!  

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