Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Since my appointment was early this AM I decided I would not be able to squeeze workout in, but I did plan on at least catching an extra 30 minutes of shut-eye.  That didn't happen, at least the extra sleep, and I needed it after last night.  My allergies don't bother me until I doze off to sleep and wakeup coughing from the flim very early in night-night time.  So last nights sleep was not good and the bladder didn't cooperate nor did Clayton.  He wanted to be petted and loved after The Hubby fixed his breakfast.  Rats...just get up and get on with the day. 

The Imaging Center wanted me to arrive 30 minutes early and drink 32 ounces of water for my ultrasound of the "female" region.  I waddled in 20 minutes early, sloshing as I went.  The place is nice and seems to run very efficently.  I brought my new book to read, The Time of My Life by Patrick Swayze & Lisa Niemi but only managed to read the prologue.  I paid my $500 deductible (ouch) and was very shortly ushered into the ultrasound room by a darling young lady.  She was the nicest thing and just lovely.  In fact I told her she looked like the actress Heather Tom from The Bold & The Beautiful (before playing Victoria on The Young and The Restless.)  I was ready to get on with the picture taking so I could get rid of coffee and 32 ounces of water.  She then informed me that because of the spotting that they wanted to do the internal ultrasound so that I could empty the bladder!  WHAT!  She questioned me a bit more and then decided to do a quick look-see before the emptying.  What a relief when I was able to "let it go."  ......(excuse me...all this talk of full bladder and I have to run.......BRB)..................................... okay, I'm back.  As I lay on the table she shows me the ultrasound probe that was sheathed in a glorified condom with gel...lovely.  The technician probed and probed and I could tell that the coffee and water were making a comback...a little uncomfortable.  She suggested that I empty again which I complied.  Back on the table, probe reinserted she began the look-see again.  Then, with probe still inside she wanted to do the topside ultrasound to try and find my ovaries.  I suggested that that they may have dried up and she said that wasn't such a bad thing.  First good feel about the whole thing I had.  Finally, the test and picture taking was done and I was on my way.  I went to the little girls room again, then stopped at the house for another visit and get my bowling ball for tonight and then to office where I've made a visit there too.  In the mornings, on a normal day, my bladder gives me a run for my money. 

So this afternoon or tomorrow I am expecting a phone call from the doc!  Wish me luck that everything is all shriveled nicely and I can go on with this menopause thing. 


Mom2my10 @ 11th Heaven said...

Found you on BlogHer. Menopause sounds fun! Actually, I can't wait. I have 9.5 kids!

Mom2my10 @ 11th Heaven said...

Also, did you do the paintings on your side bar?

Jill of All Trades said...

Yes I did the paintings. I've found a new passion.

Char said...

glad the appointment went as well as it could. hopefully all news will be good.