Tuesday, January 05, 2016

Life As Usual

Ah, here we go, Day 5 of blogging everyday.  Do you think I can make it.  Hahahaha!

Not much in my world this week but work so yesterday I got to catch up from not sitting at my desk since last Thursday.  Of course it only took a couple of hours to get caught up then Snicklefritz and her momma arrived and it was PLAY TIME!

When I did leave in the afternoon it was to run the usual errands of the bank, post office, pharmacy and then grocery store.  Home was the usual of unloading groceries, put away groceries (UGH!) and make dinner.  But first I had to check the mail and look at what came!  My Christmas to me arrived in the mail.  These were not cheap but I've been watching a lot of painting videos when I'm not sitting at my easel to learn more.  One of the workshops I took the guy loves Quang Ho and I like his stuff too so.....here we are.  I decided to check out the still life one first as I think that is what I am going to today back in my classes.

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