Friday, January 15, 2016

Life As I Know It

This blogging everyday, well as you can tell, NOT HAPPENING!  Oh well.

This week in class I got a bit further on this sweet painting.  Hopefully it will be finished next week.

Got yet another commission, sweet Carter!  It's just started and now I wait for it to dry a bit so I can add more white. 

Snicklefritz started school this week and it was a rousing success.  She loved it and so did we.  Also, this "hasn't napped in a year girl" napped at school, both days.  Wow, I am impressed they were able to get her down.  Need to find their secret.  Unfortunately she has never been sick and second day when they got home, yesterday, she got out of the car and promptly threw-up on her momma's new shoes.  I sooo hope this is not going to be a problem.  She so far has had great immunities but we will see. 

While playing catch with her on Wednesday she turned and this pose caught my eye.  I told her to "DON'T MOVE" and snapped this beauty.   


Changes in the wind said...

You definately have a gift for painting looks great.

Linda Kay said...

Your paintings are so lovely, Jill. And that granddaughter! That blonde hair and the pouting face are so cute! She will be a heart=breaker when she grows up.