Wednesday, August 08, 2012

My Wednesday

My Wednesday so far...
this is how I feel this morning.  

I woke up about 5:23 and realized that my phone alarm did NOT go off.  WHAT...I usually leave the house at 5:35 for workout.  Well, I begin to rush.  I jump out of bed and put Clayton down to hopefully wake The Hubby up that had fallen asleep on the couch.  I put on the workout gear and go into the living room to see the lights still off so I guess I had to feed him!  I told The Hubby he would have to take Clayton outside (we still have no gate so we have to accompany.)  I fixed my coffee while Clayton was eating and then he ran for the door and The Hubby was still in the bathroom.  Well, I guess I will have to take him.  So I turn the outside light on and open the door!!!!  EEEEKKK!  The alarm, I forgot to turn the alarm off.  I was still asleep but not after that.  I shut the door as the alarm is blaring and Clayton is staring through the glass door from the outside at me petrified.  His little beady black eyes were filled full of fear and confusion.  I rush to the keypad and turn it off and then run to the cordless phone to await the alarm company call to give them  the all clear.  I took the phone out back with Clayton and realize that the sprinkler is running.  That dog hates the sprinkler or rain so will NOT go to the grass area to do his business. I decided to take him out front on the leash.  As we go in the alarm company calls and I give the info they need and proceed to leash up Clayton and call Wade to let him know I will NOT be in for workout because by that time it was 5:45 and my stomach was in knots.  So Clayton and I took a walk and I calmed down and got my brain awake.  

How's your Wednesday starting?  Mine is off to an alarming start!


Marcie said...

What a way to begin your day!! Hope it settled down a bit...once the morning rush was over. Thanks for visiting us over at Vision and Verb!!!

Sweet Tea said...

Poor you and poor Clayton!
I hate to begin the day behind.
Hope the day ran smoother from that point on.