Friday, January 09, 2009

Another Weekend

Another weekend is upon us and I have MOUNDS of stuff to do today, before noon. We are hosting a huge chili/soup dinner at the cabin with 20+ people in attendance. So today my list of stuff to do before we leave town is:

  1. Get out of bed 6 am (check)
  2. Read blogs 6:30 am (check)
  3. Post a blog entry 7 am or about (check)
  4. Pick up house so it can be cleaned by cleaning lady
  5. Shower
  6. Go to the office and do a little work
  7. Lunch at Bangkok (yummy) with The Hubby and maybe B
  8. Grocery store to buy all the ingredients for the chili and veggie soup

The top list needs to be done by about 1pm

  1. Drive to the cabin
  2. Unload the mountain of groceries
  3. Clean the cabin, dust, vacuum (move furniture to accomplish), clean toilets
  4. Fix something for dinner (probably a precooked grocery store chicken) and a bag-o-salad
  5. Have a huge glass of wine with Harri

The next day

  1. Start chopping
  2. Cook
  3. PARTY!!!!

Now, does this sound like a relaxing weekend? I hope so and I hope I can work on my story somewhere in there as I'm taking my laptop. Maybe I'll get a lot done this afternoon and can spend the morning writing. Mornings are the best time for me. My mind is whirring more than usual in the morning. The evenings my mind is just a lump inside of my skull just gurgling around being fed by television reality shows that murk up my thoughts. Egads! Toodles everyone, it is 7:20 and I've gotta get back on the schedule I've already fallen off of. Have a great weekend.


Debbie said...

You know how I love a good time-related schedule. I've been on one every day this week. I hope you have a wonderful weekend.

2nd Cup of Coffee said...

Does sound like a great schedule, but I'm coveting number 4. Hopping over here from the first time from Debbie's blog.

Kim said...

I love how you pick up for the cleaning lady. I would too!