Thursday, June 13, 2013

Hacked Off

Hello, hello, hello...If you are on my email list I AM VERY SORRY!!!!!  After 14 years with the same email address I was HACKED today and SPAM emails went out to everyone in my email list and that, over 14 years has become quiet huge.  I can't possibly send and email out to everyone in my list as there are too many and if I did AOL would see that as SPAM and shut me down.  Trust me I've had it happen when I was sending out mass emails to my high school class for reunion.  I have to break it all up and that takes some time I can asure you.  Anyway, I am so very sorry and I have changed my password within the hour of it happening.  DO NOT click the link.  Dang this really makes me mad and HACKED OFF! 

I was going to write about something else but I'm a bit too angry to do that.  Hopefully tomorrow it will be better....deep breaths!

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