Sunday, August 22, 2010

Hamburgers, Friends and Laughter

Last night we hosted a hamburger dinner at the cabin for The Hubby.  His birthday is tomorrow.  He will be 55 years old!!!!!  I decided that the day must not slide and called our friends and everyone was eager to help with wonderful food and friendship.  It was a bit hot so most of the ladies opted to stay in most of the evening but our cabin can hold all that.  We laughed, ate and spent a wonderful time together.  One lady, Sin baked his favortie cake, German Chocolate Cake which he devoured a huge piece.  The cards were read and everyone enjoyed a good chuckle.  All in all it was a great evening of hamburgers, friends and laughter....sorry I forgot to get the camera out.  

1 comment:

Kay said...

Happy Birthday to the Hubby! He's still a youngster actually. The hamburger party sounds like a lot of fun!