Friday, September 25, 2009

Busy Times

I feel like I have abandoned my bloggy friends.  I have not commented enough nor have I blogged enough but my life lately has been in absolute overdrive.  I seem to be constantly running with hardly a time to think about anything.  I haven't read a book and I'm finding it hard to sit down long enough to work on my art.  I hope it all slows down a bit, soon.  This week I finished yet another art project. YEAH!  Now I am in a frantic mode to draw something for the next project.  I went to the doctor for my "yearly" this week and I left not feeling too good.  You see, I had my last offical lady thing June 2008, but July, August and this week, September, it decided to hint at a return.  I told her about it and she said that I need an untrasound to rule out ...... "CANCER"...... Excuse me.  I know it is nothing and that I could just still be in the phase of my life but did she have to say that to my face, like that!  I don't think so.  The only kind of cancer that is my family is lung and prostate and one of those is, well not something I should worry about.  This has kind of bumbed me out a bit but I know I'm fine.  I have been in great health and feel great, except for my backache when I sleep too long, past 5:30 am in the morning.  So Wednesday morning I load up my bladder and try to drive in my little bumpy Miata to the ultrasound and have the test.  The last ultrasound I had was 25 years ago when I was pregnant with "A".  I will keep everyone posted.

This weekend is the 3rd annual "Hanging of The Bras".  My old friends from Jazzercise come the cabin and we laugh, drink, eat, laugh, sleep, laugh, and enjoy the bonds of friendship we have made.  I need to get off this computer and get my stuff packed.  I still need to go to the grocery store, pharmacy, liquor store and make time to have lunch with The Hubby.  Stay tuned for some of the wonderful pics from our weekend.  Toodles all and have a wonderful weekend...Oh, check out the latest pic "B" took in the office the other day.  My hair is really getting longer, thank goodnes.  I've been growing it for 1-1/2 years now. 


Anonymous said...

What an interesting post. I laughed out loud a couple of times.

Thanks for visiting my Pick a Peck of Pixels blog and for commenting on my squirrel.

Char said...

good luck with the ultrasound!! *fingers crossed* and have a great weekend.

Helene said...

How ironic that your post is about having an u/s done! I, too, had to have an u/s done today to have a look at my uterus. The full bladder almost killed was so painful to actually sit in the waiting room. Finally, the guy called me back to the u/s room and he was pressing so hard on my belly with the u/s wand, I thought I was going to pee right there on the spot.

Let's pray that we're both okay and that we won't have to go through this again for a very long time!!

Thank you so much for stopping by my blog today! Hope you'll be back!

Ruth said...

Why do they have to say stupid things like that? These things become routine to them, and they don't seem to understand how their words affect us.

Have a blast with your friends "hanging the bras" (too funny), it sounds great.

Janie B said...

I hope you get good results from your test. I have an ultrasound every 6 months and hate it. They push so hard! Bummer, but necessary, I guess. So far, so good.

Anonymous said...

I will be thinking of you and am praying for a positive outcome on the US.

Try to slow down (hard I know) relax!!!!

Kay said...

I've never had that done... yet. I'll be keeping my fingers and toes crossed for you.

Kay said...

P.S. I love your photo. :-)

Janie B said...

I love your photo, too! And, I have an award for you on my blog.