Tuesday, December 29, 2020

MY Year in Review

First and most important for me was the loss of my Daddy.
Yes, there is much bigger news in the world but in my tiny world the year of Covid, the year 2020 brought about the loss of Daddy.
The loss of a parent and the loss of our old homestead and all the memories that have rushed through our conscientiousness.  It has been an unnerving year to say the least with Covid, mask wearing, virus warnings, death...EGAD...

but first and foremost for me was the last time I told Daddy, "I love you!"  

We said goodbye to Daddy and to the house that we grew up in but we are stronger as siblings than ever before.  We are still family!

It has all been a whirlwind and I can't wait for the year to finally end and hopefully we have brighter days with a vaccine in play. 

It's not been all bad because sadly for our youngest and her family, living in LA was just too scary and money wise too difficult during pandemic (HATE THAT WORD!)  So they packed it up and headed our direction.
So we get to hold this darling anytime we want now.  Get all the kisses and hugs, anytime, as long as one of of is not in quarantine.  I get to watch another granddbaby grow up.  

I will reflect back to my first post of the year, 2020 and not even realizing what was in store for us this past year.  I again was prattling on and on about losing weight, dieting, the story that never ends, me losing weight.  Of course, the dreaded pandemic set in and shut down all my ideas of working out and left us basically stranded at home, close to a kitchen and no desire to get out and about for fear of the virus.  Fear of illness, fear of spreading the contagion, fear of DEATH!  Everyone in the world has had these fears, except for the doubters who don't believe it.  I do because I have friends who have lost family members, I have family members who have caught the virus and survived.  It is real and frankly I DO NO WANT TO DIE!  So the new accessory to our daily attire is a mask, which I wear proudly.  We've learned how to shop for delivery or pick-up, take-out food on a daily basis.  Yes the world, our world has changed, probably forever.  Weight loss, dieting, frankly that is not high on my list of worries right now.  Staying healthy and alive is.  I think I'm eating better and my one foray back to the workout world led me to be possibly exposed and having things poked up my nose, Covid test.  So, I'm just staying put until more people are vaccinated at this point.  

Here's to 2021, may we start getting the world, our world back to spinning like it's supposed to be.  

Happy New Year

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