Friday, October 04, 2013

The Good, The Bad and The HAPPY BIRTHDAY

This week has been full of, well, stuff.  Sunday we celebrated little Rio's first birthday which was actually on Tuesday.  I can't believe she is a year old and the joy she has brought into our lives.

Monday was also the opening of my month long show at The Canebrake so my friend Christine helped me to hang all of the 30 paintings I have.  It's so very exciting.  I hope I sell!

Then we were also faced with all the health issues for Daddy.  They moved him from the hospital on Tuesday to a skilled nursing care facility (in a nursing home) and he was NOT happy.  Actually, when they came into his hospital room and told him he did not realize he needed rehab and he thought we kids knew nothing about it.  He was HOT I can tell you and let all of the staff know.  But they called me and then calmed him down.  He is still so very weak and they say that they want him to be able to go back home and be independent again but I not so sure.  He still has the memory things going on and needs so much assistance.  It was a small stroke, I don't know how people go home after a bad one.  It's going to be a long road.  We also need to find him a geriatric doctor.  His regular doctor is no more, as he has cancer.  Daddy had not gone to a doctor for over a year.  I think he thought his doctor was going to come back and be just fine and he would wait but this waiting has put us into a situation that we are going to have to find a doctor for him.  Today I have to call the paper and stop his paper for however long this is going to take.  I have to go get his laundry every few days and take it back clean.  Plus, trying to fit all of this going back and forth in with working, watching Rio and trying to paint (my sanity).  So far the painting has all but stopped and I have a commission I need to finish but I just can't get my mind to sit and do it.  

Life goes on and I will carry on as usual.  

1 comment:

Kay said...

Your paintings look so pretty hung up. Rio is absolutely adorable!