Monday, November 26, 2012

Let Me Ask You This...

Let me ask you this.....

You have someone come in and fill out a job application.  You check him out, interview him and then hire him to start the next Monday.  Monday rolls around and the work day begins but he does not show up.  In this day and age with unemployment at the levels it is, do you not show up.  Apparantly this guy is not hungry.  What in the world is the matter with people. 


PTBYF said...

I once had a gal working for me who was habitually late for work. I called her in one morning to inquire why this time and the answer has stayed with me since. She got halfway to work and realized she had forgotten to comb the back of her hair so she turned around and went back home. Really?

Anonymous said...

I agree!!! I can't imagine how some people are the way they are!!!

Beryl said...

Oddly enough, it was common when I lived in Seattle. (Common, being about once a year.) Just be glad you didn't spend money on training only to have the new guy flake out afterward. Often your new job offer is just being used as leverage on another employer. But the rudeness of not informing you that they are declining your job is what bothered me the most.

Nonnie said...

This is something I have never understood, but have seen it happen over and over again.

Alicia@ eco friendly homemaking said...

I am not sure what makes someone go to the effort to apply for a job and then be blessed enough to get it and then just not show up.