Monday, November 16, 2009


This is just a gobblity-gook kind of post so bear with me...

Took the weekend off to go to the cabin and relax, which I did.  I finished another drawing of The Kid and will share soon.  Spent most of Saturday laying around drawing, napping, and enjoying the most beautiful weekend in a long time for me.  The weather was FANTASTIC!  Had to take the fixin's for Thanksgiving and go through the cabinets to make sure we had everything we needed and bring more.  Probably won't be there next weekend as #2 girl, A is going to be home. 

Daddy's house is moving right along.  The painting in the bedrooms, living room, closets and part of the kitchen is done.  Carpet will be laid on Thursday and the move of furniture will begin to be put back in place.  I want to take a break till after Thanksgiving and give our bodies and minds a time to rest.  Plus I want to enjoy the time with my girls this holiday and give thanks for my family. 

On a quick note and question...ponder rise out of bed early, very early on Saturday morning, 4:30 to be exact, to meet your buds at the creek to get bait and fish for several hours.  You catch a few very large catfish.  You are very proud and it is the talk of the community.  Then, when you go back down later to clean them you find they have been let loose or stolen or whatever.  Hmmmm, what do you think.  We now know they've been "set free".  I was a bit ticked I can say but The Hubby was okay as long as they were released off of the rope and not still attached because they would surely die if so, in fact he was really planning on releasing them anyway and someone else made the decision of his fish for him.   


Char said...

i can't believe someone would just do that. not cool.

but, what is cool is that you're moving so great on the house. that's wonderful news. hope you have a beautiful week.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like such a nice weekend! Crazy about the fish!!!

Flea said...

How rude, setting someone else's fish loose!