Saturday, April 11, 2009

Good Saturday Morning

Good Saturday morning too all. What an absolutely beautiful morning. The Hubby and I decided to stay in town this Easter weekend 1)to dog sit the granddog, 2)to have Easter dinner with my family. Really hate to miss such an awesome day at the cabin (tomorrow rain) but that's okay. Last night I fixed a nice dinner, we shared a great bottle of wine and then spent the evening watching Slumdog Millionaire. I finished yet another baby blanket while the movie was on. I have to keep my hands busy and watching a movie is the perfect place to crochet.

My sleep last night was just full of dreams, lots of dreams. I woke up about 1:30 with a start. My heart was beating like you wouldn't believe. I dreamed I was being chased by a brown bear. There was roaring and running and screaming....AWWWWHHHHHH! Sorry, scared myself to death last night. I tried to go back to sleep but kept trying to go back to running from that stupid bear. Finally, I drifted back off and dreamed nice dreams, not sure what they were now but I didn't wake up scared again.

This morning we were up about 7:30. Got to sleep in a couple of hours. Nestled in with coffee and paper The Hubby started up the movie we began to watch last night, Letters from Iwo Jima. I think it is the opposite side of the movie we watched a few weeks ago, Flags of our Fathers. Intense movie I can tell you. So movie watching means begin another baby blanket.

Today The Hubby has left to hit the flea market and possibly go to the cabin. He can hardly stand it because it is time for the crappie to start biting. So he may or may not go and spend the night. I don't mind. I did tell him to come back before I had to leave in the morning for my Daddy's. I cannot manage to get the granddog, Mondo, into the garage to leave. He's just to big and will not budge. He will need to take Mondo back to his home and install him in his garage, which he likes. He does not like ours. We are going to have a family dinner at my Daddy's. He called me to let me know he had bought a huge ham and doesn't know what he is going to do with it. I took that as, "Please spend Easter here and eat." So I called the siblings and we are all going to show up. We will have the ham, again my famous oven roasted sweet potatoes (secret is jalapeno salt), oven roasted asparagus with red peppers, and deviled eggs. I am providing the veggies and eggs. The SIL is bring a salad and a dessert. I didn't ask Sis to do anything as she is is such a state of depression that would mean she would have to go out into the world. Ever since the heart scare she has been down the lowest I have ever seen her. They took her off her hormones and she has had the scare of her life so no wonder she is depressed. I hope the meds will kick in here pretty soon so she can get back to being the happy person she used to be.

Happy Bunny Day...


Anonymous said...

so jealous, even though I don't like ham, I wish I could be there at Papa's. Give Aint Dana a big hug for me.
Hope you're working on my big girl baby blanket......

Char said...

how did you like Slumdog? I love that movie - it was hard to watch in places but wow, it really brought a message home.

sorry your sister is depressed - I can't imagine how difficult it is.

hope your Easter is wonderful.

Carma Sez said...

wishing you a wonderful holiday. Hope your husband has luck with the crappie. I put the picture of my husband and son's big crappie bounty on my blog :-)

Kay said...

I'm so sorry for your sister. I hope things will get better for her.

Kathryn Magendie said...

Anxiety, or vivid, or whatever Dreams must be traveling around - !

Michelle said...

Did you like Slumdog Millionaire? I watched it after the Oscars, and thought it was very deserving.

I had a dream last night, but it wasn't a nightmare... it was about Emmett from the Twilight movie. :)