Thursday, February 05, 2009

Writing. Friends and a Good Glass of Wine!

I have been absent from this blog since Sunday when I posted my 500th post. I've been trying to come up with just the right words to put here to commemorate the 501th post, a new step here. So here we go...

My life this week has been a bit uneventful except I've had the darned head cold or upper respiratory thing The Hubby graced upon me. I wasn't really sure if it was that or an allergic reaction to the sand and salt that has been flying all over the streets from the ice and snow. Last year I noticed that I had the same kind of flair up when the city salted and sanded, so there may be something there. We'll see if it happens next year, then I'll know. Back to this week. I've been to work, had my workouts, went to writing group, painting class and had the usual phone calls from the girls. Today I have another session with my therapist and it may be my last. I feel that I'm doing pretty good since I declared that 2009 is the year for "Jill"! I have been pro-active in achieving some of my dreams and they are rocking along. I am dealing with my desires for my life and making them happen. That is so good for me and I'm getting so much out of the art and writing.

The friend issue. I am still working on that but I have come to the conclusion that I have TONS of friends. Last month, while writing in my personal journal I decided to do an exercise and began writing down all of my friends. I filled several pages. This little exercise made me realize I shouldn't be so down in the mouth about this one friend and rejoice in the many, many friends that I do have. I needed to readjust my belief a little about what a friend is to me. I needed to embrace what I do have. Tonight, three of my oldest and dearest friends from church, which I don't frequent much anymore, are coming over to share a few glasses of wine, talk and dinner. Several years ago when our Methodist Women group went belly up we of started a Birthday Club. There were a few more ladies in the little club but most of them kind of fizzled out. The core of this group were us four, TF, TP, PF and myself. I love these women, my friends and truly look forward to being with them. I have a lot in common with all of them. All of our children grew up together in the church, Sunday school and youth group. We were active together in many committees and functions at the church but even though I am not an active member anymore, they still are an integral part of my life. We are friends outside of the confines of the church and I love it. I love these women immensely and look forward each time to our dinner thing. We can spend hours before we go out just talking and I so need that. So my friend problems are working out in a different way and I love it. Here's to my friends!

Now that is said I am off to begin writing on a new story. I've been developing characters for a week now but I need to make the story take shape. Later all.


Char said...

get better soon. I'm always plagued with URIs so I know it's not fun.

and...having friends, isn't that the greatest blessing of all?

Idabel Oklahoma said...

Get well lady! The repiratory thing is going on down here too. Glad when summer gets here.

Debbie said...

I've been battling this cold thing all week too and it is misery. Congrats on realizing how many special people are in your life.

DeeBee said...

Friends are the best darn thing. I love my close friends. Hope you feel better soon.