Saturday, April 07, 2007

Dancer in the Dark

OK...I know as I write this I've had 3 glasses of wine so I'm feeling no pain but I also have free speech of the mouth. When I drink the mouth doesn't stop and I say just what I think, sometimes brutally. Anyway, I have been watching the Independant Film Channel and just finished watching "Dancing in the Dark" with Bjork, and mind you I CANNOT stand Bjork as far as singing goes but....I was bawling by the end of the movie. I only caught the last 1-1/2 hour of the move so I missed the part that put her in the predicament she was in. The end of the movie I found that tears were pouring down my face and I just wanted to sob. Bjork is a little weird and her singing is appalling but the subject of the story was so strong. She is a girl going blind that likes to live part of her life in a fantasy world of musicals. There were some very well known actors in the movie, Joel Grey, David Morse (I love him) so there has to be something to it or they are really out there but I really liked the movie and will try to catch the first of it to get the full effect. I'm not sure I want to watch the end again because it was so powerful for me, but wait I might have to drink a few glasses of wine to get it again.......

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