Saturday, January 13, 2007

Brrrrrr...Baby it's cold outside.

Yesterday the sky was falling, according to the weatherpeople. Yes it is icy outside,yes it is cold, and yes we should stay inside, but really do we have to have constant television coverage about the weather. I can understand if it was tornados, but it is just ice and snow and we are going to be stuck inside for a few days, so what. The sky is NOT going to fall. The upside is that we don't have to watch commercials since that is where the weather reports pop-up but that does get old.

Today The Hubby will travel out on the icy streets. Nothing keeps him from venturing out, nothing. We decided on not going to the cabin this weekend because he had to work in the office and catch-up on billing. He likes to work on paperwork on the weekends because the phone is quiet and no one bothers him to get him off track. My task this weekend is to take down Christmas. It's all over the house and slowly but surely I have gathered it up and put it around the still adorned tree. I have to climb into the attic to get boxes and I am not a height person so that is unnerving. I've also got to finish a book and maybe take a nap. Yeah this is going to be a nice weekend, all cosy.

Last night we made good use of the cold and fireplace and a bottle of wine (wink). It is wonderful to be empty nesters. Yes, don't fret when those little ones are out in the world, embrace your honey and rediscover each other. It is so much fun. Trust me!

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