Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Still Remodel Hell

MORNING!  It is a glorious morning of STILL IN REMODEL MODE!  The painters will soon arrive to continue taping and prepping the windows for paint.  We're afraid that the may leave to finish up a job at OSU they came from.  The Hubby said that they are here only because that job is waiting for the electricians to finish their work and when they do they are OFF!  NOOooooooooo!!!!  They can't leave us hanging with no way to hang curtains and living with a sheet on the window.  I'm so fearful this is going to drag out forever and I at the point of blowing.  Yesterday the brother-in-law and his hubby popped in the help measure and decide which drapes and hardware to order.  I was so happy to see them as it's been since Easter that we laid eyes on them.  I miss them so much.  They helped us measure and find the perfect drapes for the front bedroom and our bedroom.  I am so glad to get that done and just wait for it all to be delivered. 

I have been sketching a little sketch every day so yesterday was my Daddy.  I love it.  Today is the rooster.  He was so much fun.  I was up again at 4:30 today so by 6:30 I was sketching.  It's funny, there is a couple of old guy on FB who are quite happy to share their opinion on my sketches.  Good grief!

Monday, August 26, 2024

This and That Monday

Good morning all.  Lots to chat about.  First is the sketch for the day.  I did it at 6:30 this morning because I was awake at 4 AM!!!  Honestly I dozed off about 10:30 last night and didn't wake up till 4 so I guess that's good, not even to pee!  My first thought as my eyes opened was, yes it is still dark outside but my there is an awful lot of light streaming through that damn sheet!  We have a fairly thin sheet over the newly installed window until we get something else to cover it.  I took him to task yesterday about why he says that the shutters are too expensive over what we've already spent on everything we've done plus more to come. I fessed up he really does not like shutters, but I said I DO and that is really what I want.  I've thought about it and thought about it, and I've looked at drapes but I really want shutters.  If I go ahead and let him win and have to look at the drapes for the rest of my life I will be sad and unhappy about the decision.  He has had his way on so much other stuff, the windows, the garage, which I had no say so about.  These shutters are what I need to make a decision on.  

And to be clear, most of the time this man of mine is absolutely oblivious to most of his surroundings.  He would not have made a good cop because he is not observant.  I mean I walked out of the house this morning and I can tell you that as I walked past him he didn't even notice what I was even wearing. If I went missing and they asked him to describe what I was wearing he would be at a loss.  I sat next to him for a couple of hours a few days ago and sketched and he never, NEVER saw me do it later when I showed it to him, asking when I did it.  GOOD GRIEF CHARLIE BROWN!  Yet he obsesses over how the forks and spoons in the silverware drawer are laying, spending an inordinate amount of time making them perfect.  He notices if I move his chair in the slightest.  He notices if we run low on toilet paper, paper towels, mustard not even LOOKING IN THE PANTRY.  I have to get up and look for him because if I give him directions: "third shelf down on the long shelves in the basket," he still can't see it.  After nearly 49 years sometimes it just makes me a bit crazy, but I love him and endure it all, even the snoring and kicking feet and legs every single night when he comes to bed before I can fall asleep. 

Another thing, different subject.  In November I wrote about an incident that happened with my friend, my best friend.  It is still taking a toll on me and I am still angry.  Angry at her, angry at the situation, just angry and not feeling being a friend anymore.  She stood me up and not for the first time.  There have been lots and lots of other stuff that has set my teeth on edge but basically, I'm done.  At least done in the bestie department, but still a friend.  We just do not run in the same circles anymore, we haven't even spoken, SPOKEN to each other in nearly two years and we live miles from each other, but I digress.  Saturday was her birthday and I wanted to just say Happy Birthday to her and wasn't sure how to do it so I just posted on FB HB, knowing that she would respond.  All along she has sent me weird texts, maybe comment on a FB post but that's all after nearly a year.  I have been waiting for at least a phone call to apologize but it never happened.  So I posted HB and she responded with  " Thank you, dear one. Lunch next week? I will pick you up at your preferred location. I promise to grovel. I miss you."  Well, that kind of sent me into a bit of a quandary in my head.  I didn't know how to respond.  I do not want to see her.  I'm still angry and not sure I want to make her cry and see it and that is what would happen if I did.  So I reached out to my girls for assistance and they were great help.  So yesterday I wrote her a note.  A note you ask.  Well, for one thing she never EVER reads her email and text messages can go for days without a reply and frankly, I think that would be tacky to do a sort of "Dear John" letter via tex.  So I sat down an wrote to her explaining I needed a break, I needed to heal, that my expectations of her in this friendship are just not something she is capable of, nor does she know that I have them, which is unfair to her.  We have just grown too far apart and that is quite sad but it is what it is and I am not really sad about it.  We had a great friendship while it lasted but sometimes they can run their course and sometimes find their way back, much like my bestie from high school.  We've reconnected and it's like we were never apart, but it took time, time I need again from this other friend.  I certainly hope she understands. 

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Renovation and Sketching

Good morning.  It's been a minute for sure.  Just seems like it is just one thing after another lately.  The saga that is our home rejuvenation is still ongoing.  The last post was the water in the offices and it was the day we had our new garage door installed.  By the way, the office flooding, all is good.  The computer and printer are all up and running fine.  Thank goodness.  This week it has been the installation of all new windows mostly in the front of the house and some side windows.  That was an entire week process and I was not entirely happy about it, still aren't in some aspects.  I'm not happy because I have to come up with window coverings, my most unfavorite thing to do.  AND, it means that I lose my beloved plantation shutters, maybe. We were able to keep the ones in the front room, his office, even though he says they don't let enough light in.  Bull.  He just doesn't like them.  I do, they are like a white picket fence for me and I want them.  In our bedroom we had a full window of them but now it is a sheet.  When I said I really wanted them he said they were too expensive.  After I've slept on this I was like, "HEY, wait a minute..."  After all this expense of new garage door, new windows, and this next week new awning curtains and awning over porch AND a new A/C-Heater unit, plantation shutters are too expensive and that is what YOU wanted...No F....king Way!!!  I'm getting ready to do battle.  Watch me.  Also, the painter still has to come in and paint the trim and the outside areas like over the garage door to match.

New doors too.  He wanted just plain clear class, all of it.  I put the brakes on that idea and it's got texture.

See how nice these shutters look, and all the LIGHT!  
It really does look pretty now.

I've also spent the past couple of weeks doing a lot of just plain sketching and really enjoying it.  
My Greatgranny, and yes she had that kind of big nose, I have it too.

Daddy and Susie

Today I am preparing to write a letter to my friend.  She calls me her best friend but she and I need to talk, via letter.  More later.

Monday, August 12, 2024

Rain Rain Don't Go Away...BUT

 Today!  Today has been a MONDAY!!!  A Monday from hell.  First of all the wonderful rain last night was great.  Our rain gauge said 4"!!! That was fantastic.  Let me back up a smidge.  This weekend was his 50th class reunion.  It was Thursday-Sunday and it was quite fun and exhausting.  I'm glad it is over and now we look forward to mine next month.  

So I was up around 4:30 this morning, again.  This pattern is getting old.  The weekend I was so tired that Sunday I slept in till 7:30, that was awesome.  But up I was and waited for him to arise.  The garage door peeps were to be here to install our new garage door.  I can't remember if I have shared but we purchased a new one in MAY!  There were supposed to install it last month.  Two weeks before they were to install our current door broke.  He spent two weeks lifting and lowering the door if I needed to leave or come home, until he called a contractor we used to do business with.  That guy just so happened to take two garage door openers off of a job and they were the exact ones that ours was.  Ours there were no replacement parts anymore so he was able to get parts off of those and repair ours till they installed today.  They installed today because the one from last month when they went to put on the truck they saw it was damaged and broken.  So we were looking at another month of lifting and lowering if it had not been for our friend.  So new garage door today.

First, my car, the tires are acting up.  Friday night, when the temperatures cooled a bit, the tire pressures went wonky.  They still are acting up today but if I drive around they correct.  Hoping it's just the drastic temperature changes.  Today it was both tires on the drivers side.  

I didn't want to hang around for that and headed to my studio to do a bit of work and get my folder for a lunch meeting I had today.  I was presenting our new reconfigured bylaws that I have been working on for months.  I walked in the door and saw water, water, water.  Another back up...Friday we had roofers there to repair the guttering.  They took the old gutter off and were going to remake it to reinstall later.  No one thought we would get 4" of rain in one day in AUGUST!  The water wicked in over my desk, my computer, the printer and some of my beautiful watercolor Christmas cards I did last year.  OH MY GOD!  I was so upset.  PLUS, my folder that had the bylaws in it was soaked.  My printer had water in it, I couldn't get my computer to come on.  It was a nightmare.  I called him and he was knee-deep dealing with the garage door people and couldn't leave.  He wanted me to stay while the roofers might show up SOMETIME during the day.  I told him I could not, I had my meeting, I was presenting, and I was driving a person who does not drive!  Turns out the roofers did not show up until nearly 4 in the afternoon.  I spent a couple of hours this morning drying what I could in my folder, my desk, throwing away tons of stuff that was soaked.  My desk is water damaged.  When we closed our books of the business last year I purchased a couple hundred dollars worth of postage stamps (write off), they were soaked, all of them.  They are laid around everywhere drying out.  The printer, probably is no hope but you never know.  The roofer said to get up a list of the damaged stuff.  At first he said he'd knock off $500 of the quote...uh, NO! 

Thursday, August 08, 2024

Just My Opinion Ma'am

Well, here we are and it is Thursday morning.  The sun is hiding this morning and that's okay.  It's still hot and the air blows hot, hot, hot.  I like the hot as you know and know it will be gone before you know it.  I've spent three days at the studio doing a bit of office work and sketching.  I finally moved all of my drawing stuff and watercolor back there.  There is nothing here at the house except for a travel sketchbook in my purse.  It feels good to have it all in one place, although it is a bit disorganized at the moment.  I did set up my drawing stuff at the drafting table we still have.  Unfortunately it is very tall and I am short.  He had a chair there but it is fake leather and I have a big ass.  First, I could hardly climb up on the seat.  Second, it is very high and SMALL.  Third, once I am up on the damn thing my ass slides right off and my legs dangle, dragging me off of it.  I realized my usual painting chair lifts and is bigger.  I found that it is the exact height as the other chair when I raise it, and fits my big ba-donk-a-donk!  The problem is the legs dangling still pull me down.  So I need a little step stool to get up to the height to sit my butt down and to be able to set my feet on it.  I'm on the lookout for something.  I did spend some time sketching on this one some more.  I am finding such a love for the sketching/drawing part.  Painting is fun but this drawing thing 💗!  

Today is the beginning of REUNION WEEKEND, his, not mine.  Mine is next month.  Tonight is karaoke at the Moose Lodge and he WANTS me to be there, because I can sing!  The thing is I have my own reunion thing happening, a meeting I have got to attend.  It's at 5:30 and his thing is 7 so I think I can make it but I REALLY don't want to meet him, I would like to come home and go with him but I don't think that is going to happen.  It's in a part of town I'm not sure about and in order for to actually get up and sing, I need a drink or two and I don't want to drive.  Oh, I'll figure it out and but my big girl pants on and just DO IT!  

I've been reading a really good book for book club by Kristen Hannah, one of my FAVORITE authors called Summer Island.  It's all about relationships, especially mother and daughter.   Excellent book and well worth the read.  

Stepping on


Now, that I've written fluff crap, I'm on to what has been wracking my brain lately.  This damn election.  I was happy to see who K picked for her running mate.  I like him and I have felt a sigh of relief.  Honestly I cannot understand how some of my friends and family could vote for the R-Party right now.  How can logical and moral people really fall for the crap that comes out of their mouths.  How can you fall in line for liars, for unfaithfulness, in more than marriage.  How can you let the bigotry and the bullying be a part of all of this.  You are supposed to not bully, that is what we are supposed to be teaching our children in school, but how can we teach and expect our children to not bully when it is done in the political arena day in and day out.  The name calling, the slander, the LIES that are spouted and our children see it and think, well if he can, I can.  I don't care if you think the R-Party is better for what you think is your bottom dollar, money is not everything, people are, truth, love, not hate, bigotry, unfaithfulness.  Taking away our right to vote, women's rights, LGBTQ rights, book banning, wanting to TRACK WOMEN'S MENTRUSAL CYCLES!  AND teaching the bible in school, that's what church is for, not public education!!!!!  To me that is what the R-Party is and I will not stand for it.

Now on to local crap.  Our state superintendent is a first class joke and I'm surprised someone has not taken this teaching the bible in school to the courts but oh wait T fixed a lot of that by filling the judgeships with a ton of his cronies who are BIASED!!!!!   How in the world did we get to this point.  I want to throw up.

Sunday, August 04, 2024

Weekend Fun

The weekend was fantastic.  We scooted off on Thursday because we can...RETIRED!  Most of our hang-with-group weren't attendance for various reasons.  One is on a cruise in Alaska, others just didn't want to deal with the heat.  As you know I love summer so it wasn't a problem.  Even The Hubby sat on the porch with me most of the weekend not complaining.  Honestly it wasn't too bad with the fans on.  

We took golf cart rides all three evenings and got to visit with others as they passed on their golf carts.  I was able to get some fantastic photos on the ride out and about.  We drove around on the backside of the lake/dam which I haven't done in years.  It's been pretty inaccessible for a few years due to seasonal flooding and the "horse bridge" being under water.  The water in the creek is the lowest I've seen it in the 23 years we've been there and boy does it stink and look green.  They say it's because of the chicken poop pollution from upstream.

On this backside is the original entrance from the 1920's.  The road went right over the dam.  
Parts of the roads back in there were so overgrown you could hardly see the path.  Plus it is a bit creepy.  Back off in the corner is a huge gate that was built about 10 years ago with a combination lock on it.  The fence attached is hardly a fence being broken and pushed down in so many places.  I have heard that the "locals" come in that way and we've had some issues with trespassers.  That is scary for a girl who likes to go up by herself and stay.  

Around us the cabin across the road is in full construction swing.  It has an older part, the original cabin, and it was added on to.  Unfortunately, it has had water in it many times since it sits on the waters edge.  The owner had the cabins split again and moved the old part out, raising it and building a new middle.  It is going to be spectacular but has taken a few years and a whole lot of money, at least $500,000.  That makes our property go up in value, and property taxes! The cabin next door to us was torn down a few years ago and finally the lot sold.  I wished we had purchased it but he just couldn't dive off on that idea, it was his in the first place.  The new owner started building his cabin this weekend and it's going to be a 2 story, obstructing my view of the sunset.  Not very happy about that but it is what it is.  He's a nice guy and will live there full time which I'm okay with that.  

I almost forgot that Saturday I co-hosted a ladies brunch at our cabin.  We met on the porch and it was fantastic.  I did an easy scrambled egg casserole, bacon, bagels and cream cheese.  Sarah brought fruit and a mimosa bar.  It was such a nice day and the temperatures stayed perfect with our fans.  A nap later in the day and my weekend was perfect.  

Woke up this morning to a text of a video.  It was our sweet Max taking his first steps.  He is 19 months old today and finally taking his first steps.  It was the best news ever.  The video was precious.  He is doing so good and is the happiest boy ever.  

School is getting ready to start for the grands.  Min will start Pre-K and she is so excited.  Snicklefritz starts 6th grade.  Where does the time go.  She is growing like a weed and is little lady now, all grown up.