Thursday, August 08, 2024

Just My Opinion Ma'am

Well, here we are and it is Thursday morning.  The sun is hiding this morning and that's okay.  It's still hot and the air blows hot, hot, hot.  I like the hot as you know and know it will be gone before you know it.  I've spent three days at the studio doing a bit of office work and sketching.  I finally moved all of my drawing stuff and watercolor back there.  There is nothing here at the house except for a travel sketchbook in my purse.  It feels good to have it all in one place, although it is a bit disorganized at the moment.  I did set up my drawing stuff at the drafting table we still have.  Unfortunately it is very tall and I am short.  He had a chair there but it is fake leather and I have a big ass.  First, I could hardly climb up on the seat.  Second, it is very high and SMALL.  Third, once I am up on the damn thing my ass slides right off and my legs dangle, dragging me off of it.  I realized my usual painting chair lifts and is bigger.  I found that it is the exact height as the other chair when I raise it, and fits my big ba-donk-a-donk!  The problem is the legs dangling still pull me down.  So I need a little step stool to get up to the height to sit my butt down and to be able to set my feet on it.  I'm on the lookout for something.  I did spend some time sketching on this one some more.  I am finding such a love for the sketching/drawing part.  Painting is fun but this drawing thing 💗!  

Today is the beginning of REUNION WEEKEND, his, not mine.  Mine is next month.  Tonight is karaoke at the Moose Lodge and he WANTS me to be there, because I can sing!  The thing is I have my own reunion thing happening, a meeting I have got to attend.  It's at 5:30 and his thing is 7 so I think I can make it but I REALLY don't want to meet him, I would like to come home and go with him but I don't think that is going to happen.  It's in a part of town I'm not sure about and in order for to actually get up and sing, I need a drink or two and I don't want to drive.  Oh, I'll figure it out and but my big girl pants on and just DO IT!  

I've been reading a really good book for book club by Kristen Hannah, one of my FAVORITE authors called Summer Island.  It's all about relationships, especially mother and daughter.   Excellent book and well worth the read.  

Stepping on


Now, that I've written fluff crap, I'm on to what has been wracking my brain lately.  This damn election.  I was happy to see who K picked for her running mate.  I like him and I have felt a sigh of relief.  Honestly I cannot understand how some of my friends and family could vote for the R-Party right now.  How can logical and moral people really fall for the crap that comes out of their mouths.  How can you fall in line for liars, for unfaithfulness, in more than marriage.  How can you let the bigotry and the bullying be a part of all of this.  You are supposed to not bully, that is what we are supposed to be teaching our children in school, but how can we teach and expect our children to not bully when it is done in the political arena day in and day out.  The name calling, the slander, the LIES that are spouted and our children see it and think, well if he can, I can.  I don't care if you think the R-Party is better for what you think is your bottom dollar, money is not everything, people are, truth, love, not hate, bigotry, unfaithfulness.  Taking away our right to vote, women's rights, LGBTQ rights, book banning, wanting to TRACK WOMEN'S MENTRUSAL CYCLES!  AND teaching the bible in school, that's what church is for, not public education!!!!!  To me that is what the R-Party is and I will not stand for it.

Now on to local crap.  Our state superintendent is a first class joke and I'm surprised someone has not taken this teaching the bible in school to the courts but oh wait T fixed a lot of that by filling the judgeships with a ton of his cronies who are BIASED!!!!!   How in the world did we get to this point.  I want to throw up.

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