Monday, August 12, 2024

Rain Rain Don't Go Away...BUT

 Today!  Today has been a MONDAY!!!  A Monday from hell.  First of all the wonderful rain last night was great.  Our rain gauge said 4"!!! That was fantastic.  Let me back up a smidge.  This weekend was his 50th class reunion.  It was Thursday-Sunday and it was quite fun and exhausting.  I'm glad it is over and now we look forward to mine next month.  

So I was up around 4:30 this morning, again.  This pattern is getting old.  The weekend I was so tired that Sunday I slept in till 7:30, that was awesome.  But up I was and waited for him to arise.  The garage door peeps were to be here to install our new garage door.  I can't remember if I have shared but we purchased a new one in MAY!  There were supposed to install it last month.  Two weeks before they were to install our current door broke.  He spent two weeks lifting and lowering the door if I needed to leave or come home, until he called a contractor we used to do business with.  That guy just so happened to take two garage door openers off of a job and they were the exact ones that ours was.  Ours there were no replacement parts anymore so he was able to get parts off of those and repair ours till they installed today.  They installed today because the one from last month when they went to put on the truck they saw it was damaged and broken.  So we were looking at another month of lifting and lowering if it had not been for our friend.  So new garage door today.

First, my car, the tires are acting up.  Friday night, when the temperatures cooled a bit, the tire pressures went wonky.  They still are acting up today but if I drive around they correct.  Hoping it's just the drastic temperature changes.  Today it was both tires on the drivers side.  

I didn't want to hang around for that and headed to my studio to do a bit of work and get my folder for a lunch meeting I had today.  I was presenting our new reconfigured bylaws that I have been working on for months.  I walked in the door and saw water, water, water.  Another back up...Friday we had roofers there to repair the guttering.  They took the old gutter off and were going to remake it to reinstall later.  No one thought we would get 4" of rain in one day in AUGUST!  The water wicked in over my desk, my computer, the printer and some of my beautiful watercolor Christmas cards I did last year.  OH MY GOD!  I was so upset.  PLUS, my folder that had the bylaws in it was soaked.  My printer had water in it, I couldn't get my computer to come on.  It was a nightmare.  I called him and he was knee-deep dealing with the garage door people and couldn't leave.  He wanted me to stay while the roofers might show up SOMETIME during the day.  I told him I could not, I had my meeting, I was presenting, and I was driving a person who does not drive!  Turns out the roofers did not show up until nearly 4 in the afternoon.  I spent a couple of hours this morning drying what I could in my folder, my desk, throwing away tons of stuff that was soaked.  My desk is water damaged.  When we closed our books of the business last year I purchased a couple hundred dollars worth of postage stamps (write off), they were soaked, all of them.  They are laid around everywhere drying out.  The printer, probably is no hope but you never know.  The roofer said to get up a list of the damaged stuff.  At first he said he'd knock off $500 of the quote...uh, NO! 

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