Saturday, March 30, 2024


Good morning.  Yes it has been a minute since I've been here.  I've just been mentally absent from most social media.  Can't STAND the political crap going on so I am just staying off, except to see grands or post an art pic here and there.  We've been hanging around town a lot because of a lot of dance stuff and I just choose not to go to the cabin by myself lately.  There are times, it's true, that I need to be alone, but lately, I'm enjoying his company, quirks and all.  There is a reason we've been married 48 years.  I mean you HAVE to know that when you sign up for the long haul, you accept the quirks, the idiosyncrasies that person has.  They may drive you a bit nuts but you HAVE to just get over it.  They belong to the person you have chosen to love forever.  With that little soapbox thing, my brother and his lovely celebrated 45 years last weekend and our oldest and her hubby celebrated 16 years yesterday.  HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!
"Purple Majesty"
14x11 oil

This little gem of a painting I finished yesterday.  I started it in my little art group on Thursday.  The reference photo I took when I walked into my doctor's office building on Tuesday.  It was on the reception desk and it just stopped me in my tracks with such beauty.  I just knew I wanted to paint it, and so here we are.  I went to the studio EARLY yesterday morning, 7 am with this NEED to finish it, which  I did.  So very please with it and it really makes the eyes happy, at least my eyes.  
I finished these two last week and have already entered them in an online show.

12x9 oil

"Pink in a Bottle"
7x5 oil
(Reference photo by my oldest)

Now, speaking of my doctor, I went in on Tuesday, mostly to check my thyroid, physical is in September.  You know I have a slight problem with the "white coat syndrome" going in but I steeled myself, gathered my confidence and was ready for him.  I honestly have not felt better, health wise in a very long time.  I'm moving much easier, my hair is nearly to my butt, my nails and skin are looking great, and my insides are working so very well.  I feel great and I wanted to show him I did.  He's pushed the diet shot at least three times and I was NOT going to let him get me this time, I was ready for a fight if need be.  Turns out he did not even mention it!  I did see the damned scale go up 5 pounds which kind of deflated me but I was not going to let it get to me.  I still held my head up high and went in the room to have my BP taken.  I was shocked when he said it was TEXTBOOK!  That was absolutely awesome.  I knew it!  I felt it!!!  So I will really knuckle down and continue the OsteoStrong, building muscle, which is I think what is happening.  Hopefully, the scale will start showing some progress along with my better eating.  

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