Wednesday, September 08, 2021


Here is a tale...  Yesterday I was at the office trying to catch up a Monday on a Tuesday.  It was still the first of the month and bills have come in to pay after the end of last month where it was invoicing.  I was going about my morning when The Hubby's cell phone started to ring.  It was the electric company asking when we were going to pay our DELINQUENT bill!  WTF!  We have never EVER had a delinquent bill, especially at work.  He was looming over my desk accusing me of not paying the bill.  First, I started getting mad at him for actually thinking I didn't pay the power bill, then I started boiling at the power company.  They told him they had sent two notices threatening the cut-off.  We have never received any notices.  You have to understand that we have multiple properties so I get almost a packet of bills for separate properties.  So I went back to the bank account and noticed that the latest packet of bills for the power company had not cleared, mind you that I paid that on August 6 and here it was September 7 and they were threatening cut-off.  Don't you think that is extremely weird, especially when I received no notice in the mail or email or even a phone call.  The lady was nice but I was boiling.  What the hell was going on.  It was clear that the check was lost in the mail but why in the hell are they threatening this.  We've never ever been late and only a month late they are demanding this.  I am so overly confused by this.  Our options were to stop payment and either send another check in the obviously flawed mail delivery or pay with credit card.  Oh forgot, The Hubby had handed his cell phone over to me to deal with this while someone came to the door he needed to talk to.  So I told the lady, sure we would pay with credit card but didn't mean I was not very upset.  Of course she transferred me to another department.  I spent an hour and a half on hold when finally a very nice person took my payment with credit card, I received confirming payment via email and all was done.  The mail dropped in our mail slot and guess what, there was the damn cut-off notice.  This is so very unacceptable by the power company but they have us by the balls because they are the only game in town.  This is all just too weird but we are good, I hope...Just another day in my life.


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