Monday, March 30, 2020

Still Healthy

Still healthy, so far.  I can say that and not be too scared, so far.  I've pretty much been holed up at home with an occasional trips to the office, bank or post office.  I also had to make a run to the vet to get Clayton's meds filled.  I was afraid they might close and he would be in bad shape.  Mostly he has issues with arthritis I believe and one of his pills helps that a lot.

The easel has been set up in the kitchen and I've completed a few paintings and then this one I started and finished.  I'm not sure I like it even though it's signed.  It may need a tweek here and there at some point.  Having a hard finding something that inspires me to paint and my picture folders are getting very boring at this point.  

Not too keen on this, but tomorrow I HAVE to go and take my dad to the hearing aid doctor to pick up his repaired hearing aids.  It's pretty essential that he has them so he can hear the television and the whole neighborhood doesn't have to hear it too.  I won't lie, I'm scared about doing it but it is a must and I really need to pay his bills.  So I will put on the mask and gloves, carry Clorox wipes and make a run for it.   

I've been making some little videos on Facebook but haven't figured out how to save the darn things so I can share.  It's mainly to talk about painting and what I'm doing trying to NOT LOSE MY MIND.  Honestly it's not too bad as I stay home alone a lot anyway.  The sticker is cooking every single meal, cleaning up, coming up with meals...EGAD!  I am a bit tired of that but I'm managing to be pretty creative with what I have in my pantry.  

This past weekend we headed to the cabin.  I hadn't been there for a couple of weeks and I was in NEED of it and my new outdoor fireplace.  The Carolina jasmine was stunning when we pulled up and the fragrance was amazing.  It was also loaded with bees, bumble and honey bees.  Love that.  Kind of scary that several of the cabinite people have the virus.  The ones that have been infected all attended a dinner party on the 13th.  It's funny that some of their spouses/partners aren't sick or barely and some have been very sick.  This virus is a strange one.  

My backyard is beautiful too.  The Japanese Kierra in the corner (have one at the cabin too) is breathtaking.  
Check out all the mirrors we have.  Makes the flowers double in mass. 

Stay healthy my friends and enjoy the backyard beauty!

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