Saturday, October 24, 2015

Ommmmm, Ommmmm, Ommmmmm

Sorry I have been missing but my life is just the same old thing and not much has been happening.  Work, watch Snicklefritz, eat, sleep, paint, read....the same old stuff. 

Halloween is upon us and thankfully I will be tucked safe in my bed watching TV with my porch light off.  Actually, we usually don't get any treater's which is just fine with me.  I do NOT want candy in my house.  I think The Hubby has a dance to go to and I might possibly go with him and sit in the corner and read, not dance, but I will NOT dress up.  Hated it when I was a child and still do.  

Since Halloween is here that means next up is the Thanksgiving thing.  I have got to get the family email out for our bash.  I do the turkey and dressing and everyone else brings the sides.  Works great for me.  Thanksgiving is The Hubby's favorite holiday.  I don't know if it's family, turkey or because it is hunting season but he loves it.  Christmas is my time and I love it for the decorations and parties and hubbub that goes on with it.  It's even better with a little one to share the awe of Christmas.  There is nothing more magical than Santa and toys and the look in their eyes on Christmas morning.  LOVE IT!  

All this holiday stuff being said it also means I have to deal with my sister and I'm NOT a fan with her or her family right now, except for the nephew.  That boy is an absolute jewel.  He hugs my dad, tells him he loves him and when you call for him to help he is Johnny-on-the-spot.  The kid has a moral code, knows right from wrong.  I'm not sure where he got it considering his sister but I suspect he has seen her path and has decided to go the opposite way.  Yeah for him.  

Sister, well let me tell you the latest on her.  She had her hip replaced in July but is still on temporary disability from work but now has applied for social security disability.  She says she is now diabetic, sleep apnea, has emphysema and arthritis in her lower back and of course the heart thing which she had FIXED!  That has been her whole excuse her whole life is the heart but it was fixed!  Since she is home playing on her computer, sleeping and watching TV I asked her if she could possibly go by and help Daddy with his medicare thing (she works in the insurance industry).  Her reply was "I thought sister-in-law was going to do that.  I don't know much about it." Really, SIL has her own worries with her father and IT'S NOT HER RESPONSIBILITY!!!!!  Good grief, one little thing to help and no she can't.  

Okay, off my soapbox and breathe...
Ommmm, Ommmmm, OmmmmmmMMMMmmmmmMMMMMMM.....

1 comment:

Sweet Tea said...

Enjoyed reading your holiday plans...sorry about the problems with your sister.
With family there is always a mix, isn't there?!