Thursday, February 04, 2010

Happy 101

My blogging friend at Yogi's Den gave me a Happiness Blogging Award.  I'm so very honored and it has come just in the nick of time as I've been dry as a bone with words and ideas lately.  It also gives me a reason not to be sad as I've had some sad news from a friend who is now battling cancer. 
Anyway, I am supposed to list ten things I love and then pass the award on to ten other bloggers.  Hope I can make this work...bear with me ya'll...

  1. The Hubby
  2. My girls
  3. My family (Daddy, Bro, Sis, MIL, BIL's, SIL's...etc...)
  4. My dear, dear friends
  5. My life
  6. Painting
  7. Clayton, our little four-legged companion
  8. Our past four-legged friends that gave us unconditional love
  9. My bloggy world
  10. Leaves, flowers, trees, rivers, animals, food, air, sky, stars, moon, sun, you know, the universe
Redneck Diva
Chronicles of a Country Girl
Decisionally Challenged
Cindy's Clipboard
Flea's World

1 comment:

Char said...

i always love a list full of lovin'

thank you