Do you see anything here that should or would hurt? Well it does, trust me. I am a right handed person and this is my left hand. I can do a multitude of things fairly well with my left hand like writing and painting sometimes but it is not my primary appendage at all. For a few days now I have had a pain around the wrist area straight down from the pinkie finger and a little swelling like a ganglion cyst kind of thing. In fact, I do have carpel tunnel syndrome in the right hand and probably in the left as I have have been having a lot of numbness at night when I sleep lately. A few days ago I felt a kind of bulging on the wrist and pushed very hard to sort of pop it. Probably not a good idea. When I was a kid I used to get the ganglion cyst on my right wrist and mother would take a butter knife and hit it really hard with the handle end of the knife to pop it. OUCH!!!!!! It would work though. She was kind of old school and, well, old school worked but look at me now. Yesterday the left hand was in so much pain that I couldn't even toss my hair back over my shoulder without nearly blacking out from the pain, I'm not kidding. I can't believe how much it hurts but it is very sporadic. Sometimes it doesn't hurt at and then EGADS!!!!! Well, I had to finally call the doc and go in. Of course I knew he was an internist and would have to refer and that is exactly what is happening now. I am now waiting to get a call to set up an appointment with a hand guy and then we'll see. I may get a splint (have had one before), a steriod shot or even surgery. Daddy's has had surgery and I've had the steriod shots in my feet before for plantar fasciitis and let me tell you steriod shots in the feet!!!!!! I scraped paint off the podiatrist wall with those! Again, OUCHY! So we'll see what happens. It is better and I bet by the time I finally get into the "specialist" it will heal all by itself and it will be a mute point!
Whoa, that does look bad. I hope that you get some relief soon.
i'm so sorry - hope you're better soon
Oh-my-YES-that-looks-sore! Hope it goes away before you have to have something painful done to relieve it. What a Bummer! Would an ice pack help?
I had those shots in the feet before. I DO NOT recommend!!! I was in constant pain for HOURS! Horrible!
But, my sister had carpel tunnel surgery last year and it was a piece of cake. If that's what you have, get it fixed and be done with it. She had put it off for years because she heard it was tough, but it was really easy and she was so relieved. I hope you feel better soon.
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