Sunday, December 24, 2023

It's A Grand Life

All I can say is this has been a YEAR!  Today I just want to enjoy the pics of my grands and daughters.  I have been truly blessed.  The video is Max ALMOST crawling Thursday night while our unofficial daughter, Rachel (B's bestie from her school days) and I watched the kiddos.  Gosh, he was almost there and yesterday he DID IT!  There is a video but I can't seem to get it from my phone to my computer.  It's in a text message and I saved it but it's too big to send to post here.  This is the next best thing.  This little kiddo is progressing in leaps and bounds and I would bet he crawls in a couple of months and then starts trying to walk.  He will be a year January 4 and what milestones he has accomplished.  

The month of December has been extremely busy for my kiddos and their babies with all kinds of functions.  Thursday while I was grand-sitting this one got to ride in a carriage at Woodward.  I'm sure she was on cloud nine as she is so in love with any kind of horse.  She is going to LOVE her Christmas present!!!
Friday night A's choir sang at Cain's for the Jacob Tovar Christmas Spectacular.  It was all ages so she got to go and see her grandad do his dance thing.

There has been a lot of cousin time too.  They are all having such a fun time, especially!
Last night they went to Mass at Holy Family and for the second time R got to join them.  

Then it was off to Roppongi for ramen noodles, Min's favorite.  Even Max got to sample some of the noodles.  He is still in a struggle phase of trying to eat some but is getting better every day.  All in good time, all in good time.

These girls, more like sisters than cousins.  

Man, it is times like this when I so wish my mother could have lived to enjoy the grands.  She would have reveled in the joy that they are.  

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