Monday, July 18, 2022

Monday Blues

Good morning all.  Monday morning and the hamster wheel never ends.  Just feels like every day, every week is the same over and over again.  I'm not sure I like routine yet here I am stuck in a routine, a RUT.  Work, paint, dishes, cook, grocery lists, laundry, same television every day, every night...I think I have Monday Blues today.

Well, Saturday, since the girls have the next two weekends at the cabin I painted.  I finished this one I started in June.  The photo I snapped isn't great, and as I look I think I'm going to fix a little problem on it even though it is signed.  It got rave reviews on FB and I may have even sold it.
"Oklahoma Sunset"
9x12 oil on linen

Friday evening was dinner with my siblings and their spouses.  It was fun but Sis, God I do love her but there is a reason I don't do this often.  She is a complainer and griper.  The food didn't taste right, it was too expensive, blah, blah, blah.  I intended to have the waiter take our photo of us all together and forgot.  Hopefully we can do it next time.  

My hit meal this past week was this shrimp dish.  It's a twist on the feta-tomato bake.  I did the usual of feta cheese, tomatoes and olive oil (I used the lemon olive oil I love), pepper and Italian seasoning.  You can use whatever seasonings you might like.  I baked it for a bit at 400 degrees to get the cheese beginning to melt then added the asparagus for a bit to get tender then the shrimp.  The shrimp doesn't take long to cook.  Once out then I stirred it up and we ate this delicious meal.  

I also had peaches and made a peach pie for The Hubby which is his favorite.  He is really ticking me off with HIS not eating carbs though and most of this pie has sat uneaten.  I know, I know, he's eating better and I am too.  I am totally good with that.
Several people are telling me I should write a cookbook and that has definitely crossed my mind on occasion.  I certainly have a lot of recipes in my head that I create and it would be fun.  Maybe I should keep a notebook in the kitchen as I create and write them down. 

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