Thursday, November 26, 2015

I'm Still Here

I know it seems I'm not around much here but I am, just not a lot to say or maybe too much to put into words.

The cabin is still for sale and we've even showed it a few times already, without a realtor.  The Hubby did say that IF we did not get our asking price, we would NOT sell!!!!!  First time I heard that, and I am very happy about it.  I have resigned myself to the idea that we may sell, and I am okay with the decision we have both made right now.  

Life with a three year can be challenging, especially for her parents but it is so totally worth it.  Little Snicklefritz lights up my life when she is around and I can't imagine my world without her in it right now.

Life on my easel is kind of busy as I have four commissions working, one is not due till after Christmas, thank goodness.  I'm working kitties, doggies and cars.  The car is done and will ship this next week I hope.

Plus the money stuff, I'm also working on something for myself (or maybe Daddy).  This photo of Momma is one I love and was so like her.  I showed it to my instructor and he loved it too and encouraged me to paint it.

So far so good.  I should be done next week and then I want to do a large still life for a juried show in March but has to be done by January 1!  That is a lot of pressure but I can do it, I hope!


1 comment:

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Happy Thanksgiving. I love how the painting of your Mom is proceeding. Mine had similar mannerisms while smoking.