Milk. When I was a child it was milk that my mother tried to make me drink. Oh yes, when a baby I drank mother's milk and from the bottle but plain white milk in a glass, YUCK! For as long as I can remember Momma said that at 9 months of age I threw down that dang bottle and never drank milk again. At the dinner table Daddy would make me sit well after everyone had left the table with a full glass of milk. He wanted me to drink it before I got up. When I was absolutely falling asleep in my empty plate with a full glass of milk sitting beside, I would relent and TRY to drink the warm almost curdled white liquid but......quickly would throw it up in the sink. Sometimes in elementary school when there was really cold milk and the schools rich chocolate cake I could choke down the milk.
Don't get me wrong, I love different kinds of dairy stuff. Cheese, my goodness I so love cheese (NO GOAT CHEESE). I'm not fond of yogurt but can tolerate it in some instances but cheese, I have a love affair with cheese.
There is just something so gross about drinking a watery white beverage. Just the other day as The Hubby was fixing his bowl of cereal he took the gallon jug out of the refrigerator and sniffed it, then poured a swig in his glass and drank. I was standing right there watching and I thought I would hurl right there in the sink of dirty dishes. Oh my gosh! Since I am older though I now hear that milk drinking is really not necessary after baby stage, that our bodies don't process it right. YEAH! I used to really worry about not drinking milk, calcium and strong bones and all. Now I feel vindicated about my hatred of milk.
I have always loved milk (as long as it's cold!) and, thankfully, so do my kids. I consider it to be part of a healthy diet. That said, not everybody likes it and that's okay. As long as you're getting your calcium, vitamin D, protein and healthy fats from other sources, there no problem at all. To each their own :)
I only enjoy milk with a bowl of chili!
I had my kids drink milk too. Although it never bothered me before, I find I'm now lactose intolerant. Sigh...
I use almond milk instead of dairy. I think it taste much better and is healthier.
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