Friday, March 15, 2013

Spring Is In The Air

Last night I went to Broken Arrow to Main Street Tavern to meet some of my fellow high school classmates to continue the planning stages of our 40th class reunion.  WHAT!  I can't believe it has been nearly 40 years.  The place was packed but they set up a table outside and the evening was just absolutely perfect, and quiet.  There was a light jazz band inside which made it a bit difficult to chat.  It was kind of surreal to be sitting on Main Street eating salad.  The last time I ate food on Main Street was at probably a Rooster Day and it was more than likely a corn dog as we walked, meandering through the crowds.  Anyway, we have a date, Sept 20, 2014, let the party planning begin!

The weather yesterday made it into the 70's and today will be pushing 80!!!!!!  Boy, I'm so very excited for the warmer temps and SUNSHINE!  Tomorrow I "plan" on tilling my small garden space in preparation for onions and potatoes...I have to go get onions!  WOO HOOOOOOOOOOOO  it's garden time!  I seem to be in better spirits, don't you agree!


Beryl said...

Main Street in Broken Arrow is so sweet. You do sound much cheerier - like your same old self. Garden time is so exciting in Oklahoma - so much stuff grows well there.

Chrissie said...

You don't know me, so this is weird. But I happened upon your blog and dug it. And I needed to pimp out this award to 11 people. So I awarded you The Liebster Award. Check out my post to figure out what I am talking about.