Monday, March 18, 2013

Good Monday Morning

Good early Monday morning everyone.  It is 5:51 am right now and I've been up since 4:50 am!  Yes, that's right.  It is the usual early morning for me but I don't mind.  My body is so used to getting up that early that I just wake up, a lot like our little Clayton who wants his breakfast at 5 am.

Saturday I seemed to be on fire at the easel.  I'm not sure where this comes from because I'm not much of fan or admirer of modern or abstract art but I seem to get going and create some that people LOVE, including me.  I have got to figure out how I do this ad keep it up because the last one I did is sold and this one may not be far behind.


Deb Nance at Readerbuzz said...

I spend too much time keeping my inner artist in check. It looks like you have let yours out and look at the beautiful work she has done. Lovely!

Beryl said...

I can't believe you've adjusted to losing that hour to Day Light Savings Time so quickly. Good job!