Thursday, August 20, 2009

Bad Drivers...

What in the world is wrong with drivers today. I've had a terrible time with the idiots on the road and it is making me crazy. I got behind some idiots that insisted on turning left, even though it was posted that there was NO LEFT TURN! Arghhh...Well, then I was behind some idiot that didn't get in the right lane and pulled out in front of me. I was going straight and she got in the right turn only lane but there she was pulling out in front of me when I was trying to go straight, and the lady behind me did the same thing. ARGHHHHH....I ranted at the office to B about it and then this evening on the way to dinner with The Hubby. Then we drove by said intersection from the other way and...wait...uh oh...well, what'ya know...I was in the wrong. Hey, that never happens to me and I've driven that intersection for years. The arrows on the road are clearly marked like the before mentioned idiots...oh, ladies drove it. But I know for a fact that the sign says right lane must turn right. Well, I'm going to have to drive it tomorrow and check it out. Hmmm, well, maybe I was in the wrong. That doesn't happen when I drive, or does it. Now I'm pretty curious if I've been doing it wrong all these years. Very, very confused. Will update later about the "situation".


Kathryn Magendie said...

Left Laners drive me batty - when they go sloowwww and are too stubborn to move into the right lane.

but, our traffic here is so light, I rarely get stressed about traffic! yay!

Char said...

we had a storm today that knocked out traffic lights and people went insane. clearly they don't know the 4-way stop rule

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Hey well, if those drivers still had a cussing coming!

lagirl/sweet tea said...

I just hate to be wrong, even though I've had lots of practice.