Saturday, June 06, 2009

It's 4:19 am

It is 4:19 am. I've actually been awake since about 3 this morning. Can't sleep. My carpel tunnel is bothering me, my back is bothering me and my mind won't shut off long enough to sleep. I did get a few good hours but it's just excitment. The alarm will go off at 4:30 and The Hubby will too be awake. I will get some coffee, grab the paper and then hit the shower. B will be here about 6:15 to pick us up for the drive to the airport. I'm a little edgy and that means I need to be awake early to handle the bathroom nerves, early. We are off today and I'm not sure if I will be blogging while gone but will try. Toodles all and try not to fill up my reader too much while I'm gone for 14 days...

Oh and this is post #599!

Later my friends...Carla (yes that is my real name, thought it was time to share.)


Char said...

:) have a beautiful time Carla. I know it will be gorgeous.

Carma Sez said...

I've got the same problem with the racing mind. Why is it that men are never up at night with racing minds....
Hope the rest of the day went better :-)

Kay said...

Have a fabulous time, Carla! I'm really excited for you. I can't wait to see the photos.