Sunday, September 22, 2024

Good News, Bad News

 I am back.  Just can't seem to post here lately.  Probably because I've been knee deep in 50th reunion planning.  Plus I've been kind of worrying about my health.  Oh, don't worry, I'm good.  Went to the doctor Monday and proudly went in, stepped on the scale and didn't faint when it tipped a weight I've never been.  DAMMIT!  My blood pressure was great though and doc and I had a nice visit where he said, "I pronounce you healthy."  That made me feel good but then I was off to the lab for blood work, which always makes me a bit nervous.  I was right to be nervous because my glucose was way up, never has been and caused him to be concerned and request more blood work in the next month.  He is on the verge of saying prediabetic.  DAMMIT!  We also discussed the weight loss drugs yet again and decided the shot-ones are not for me.  The question of my thyroid and thyroid problems in my family is a no AND there's also the problem with constipation.  I've had that problem most of my life until I started fiber which changed my life.  I flat out told him I have a love affair with my bowel movements and I do not want to mess that up, he totally agreed.  So he prescribed a pill called Contrave, which also has some of those issues, not as bad.  I still have picked it up yet because my insurance, Medicare, which is supposed to cover it, is putting the brakes on.  BUT, I've taken the bull by the horns and really started to do the very low carb diet, yet again.  So since Tuesday morning till today, I've lost 3 pounds!  I think I can do this.

Saturday morning I opened my emails while at the cabin and gasped when I saw a notice from an art show I had forgotten that I entered the past couple of weeks.  It was a notice that I had juried into another art show at the Salmagundi in NYC!  It's a different group than last time, and not only did I get one in the show, I got two in the show!!!!!  

“I am happy to inform you that CLWAC’s jury of selection has accepted your work for the 127th Annual Catharine Lorillard Wolfe Art Club Open Juried Exhibition, at the Salmagundi Club, 47 Fifth Avenue, NY, NY to be held on November 19 through December 6, 2024, with awards reception and final removal on December 7, 2024.”

I'll share later which paintings are in it as they have asked to not put them on social media until the show starts.  This show has prizes too!  I was so excited I cried.  It is validation that I am an actual artist, a good artist.  

I'll keep you posted.

The weekend also brought a bit of bad news, family and friends.  The brother-in-law is in the hospital with Covid and sepsis but is getting better.  Also, just before our 50th class reunion next weekend, we lost a classmate, a well known one too.  He battled cancer for several years.  

In the meantime here are some more sketches I've been working on.  

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