Thought I would share a little update on this little boy...I should say BIG BOY! He had his heart doc appointment on Monday came away with glowing reports that he is thriving! The blood clot the were watching and is completely gone! He is down a pound to 24 pounds but that is to be expected because he is mobile now. He crawls all over the place.
He's testing foods a little at a time, thank goodness and is one of the happiest babies I've ever seen.
His big sister is his best friend and they just play and play and play. I watched Min while they were in OKC at the doctor and when they came back they tried him on the Y-Bike. OH MY...he was able to peddle his little feet all around the house, with parents behind. It was quite amazing to see. Next up...walking soon, and FOOD!
What a champ our little Mighty Max is.