Monday, July 31, 2023


This guy, my Grandaddy would have been 108 years old today. Sadly he lost his battle to lung cancer at a very young age, 63, the same age as sister Dana was last month. DAMN cigarettes!

Jamie Sangster (1915-1979) passed away a few days after his all time favorite actor, John Wayne, and a few months before his first great-grandchild was to enter this world. He was really excited to meet her and saved his change for nearly my entire pregnancy for her. When he was gone Granny gave me that gigantic jar of money and I started her college fund with it. Grandaddy was an incredible businessman and all around person. He and Granny moved to the BA area when my mother was young, living in the Alsuma area-61st & Garnett, where mother graduated from Union High School (our daughters too.) They had a turkey farm, orchards and farmland. After they quit that life they moved to town to the house on Main, which my parents bought from them and I grew up. He had the Purina Feed Store for many years and went from there to a used car lot and finally real estate. The real estate was where he shined. He was a master in selling land. He was very involved in the area sitting on several boards and even the Kerr-McGee Lock and Dam project.
He had a twinkle in his Paul Newman-blue eyes, a giggle that made you want to join in the laughter. He was smart, fair, honest and the best granddaddy ever. I miss him everyday and know that he watches us and approves how we have led our lives.

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