Friday, June 14, 2024

I'm Back...

 Hi.  Yes, I've been gone for a bit and I kind of shut down the blog after a simple question I asked on my last post caused the BOTS to go rogue.  I usually have a few look-sees but the last post had 668!!!  WTF!  That creeped me out.  So I put hold on it for a bit.  We will see what happens.  

Not much has happened in our world except my birthday!  It was great spending time with my family and I had a great day earlier with a pedicure and massage! It was nice.  We've been spending time at the cabin, dealing with a broken A/C unit here at home and the usual things that keep breaking down.  Kind of crazy all the gadgets going on the fritz, new roof, just usual things of a homeowner/property owner.  I've been voraciously reading and already am 7 books ahead of my yearly goal of 60.  My big challenge I've decided to task myself with this summer is the challenge of reading Gone With The Wind!  I've never read it and I want to.  

So really not much I want to say here as I'm afraid I'll set off the bots and what I want to say will piss some off maybe.  The election shit is most of it and is wrecking my sleep lately.  I have to stop watching the news, reading Insta of FB.  I am only trying to watch painting videos or cooking videos or the grandkiddo's videos.  Next week I'm going to a drawing class for the next 3 Monday's and looking forward to that.  I've also started going to the Life Drawing class on Thursday evenings again, sporadically.  It's great practice.  Next month I'll go to a workshop with the ultra talented Kyle Ma!  THAT is exciting.  


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