Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Fall Is Upon Us

The weekend finally took us to the cabin and also to find that the creek is STILL flooded.  We've gone most of the spring, ALL of the summer and now fall without being able to access our beloved creek.  The Corp of Engineers has kept the water levels up for a stuck barge or something like that and it is effecting our property values and our enjoyment of our home away from home.  I so hope they figure this thing out before next summer because we will not have a creek anymore if the water stays up.  
We did enjoy the fall colors beginning and can't wait to see more but will be away from the cabin a lot this fall.  Just so busy with plein air events, birthday parties, and soon Thanksgiving.  It's hard to believe that Thanksgiving and Christmas is upon us so quickly.  Time just moves too fast.  I need, NEED it to slow down, just a tad.  

This precious little nugget is 3 weeks old today and look at that milk-drunk-sleepy smile.  How can you resist!!!  I miss her so much and can't wait to snuggle and kiss those sweet cheeks again, soon!!!!

Painting has been slow to get started again but did take a photo while in LA of some sunflowers.  Of course I LOVE TO PAINT FLOWERS so here you go. 

I have got to get back to the self portrait stuff but since I've been away the steam that drove me to sketch them in the first place is waning.

Have a great day my friends.

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