Monday, September 02, 2013

Happy Labor Day

Happy Labor Day to one and all.  I am not going to labor at all, in fact I think I will head home from the cabin today early to visit my Daddy and then home to paint, paint, paint!  It's been a fun weekend of lots of food (ugh) here at the cabin but the social time with friends makes up for it all.  I've rested a lot and read a lot.  I'm actually reading a rather difficult and deep book right now:  Behind The Beautiful Forevers:  Life, Death and  Hope in a Mumbai Undercity by Katherine Boo.  It's difficult to read because of the poverty, the way they have to live in the muck and I'm actually about 75% through it and have yet to find the Hope part.  I almost stopped reading it but I won't, I will finish!
I've also had some disturbing happenings going on with family on Facebook that I'm at odds with, in myself, what to do.  My niece (20 years old) and her life that is an open book on FB apparantely and hopefully not to my Daddy!  I haven't been able to make contact with my sister to see if all is well yet and that is disturbing.  She is hard to get hold of especially when her mode of contact changes.  It used to be email then it was FB and now it's texting but since there is no cell phone service here I haven't been able to make that contact. 
On a good note, little miss snicklefritz is now officially 11 months old!  What, yes time flies when you're having fun watching a baby grow up before your very eyes.


Yogi♪♪♪ said...

You know I love Facebook but when things start going bad with somebody facebook is like throwing gasoline on a fire.

Kay said...

I also know someone who puts the most atrocious things on Facebook. This young person is always pleasant when I see him, but seems to be in such turmoil on FB.