Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Still frozen inside!

I'm still here safe inside the new abode, safe from the frozen tundra outside my door. The Hubby came and took me to work yesterday but he hasn't called today. I don't plan on driving yet till the driveway is a little safer. It's a steep incline and I don't particularly want to be in my neighbors front room. My friend C called this morning though and she was out galavanting around in the icebox we call Oklahoma and wanted to stop by to borrow the book we are reading for bookclub, Jenny McCarthy's "Life Laughs." She couldn't park in the drive or even walk up the drive. She slid down as she attempted to travail the slope. Instead she climbed over the front wall and the azaleas. Wow, what a woman. Not me. I would be in the street on my back saying, "Ouch."

Last night after work The Hubby wanted to have a glass of wine at the wine bar Vintage 1740 (http://www.vintage1740.com/home.html) and dinner at the Itailan restaurant next door but it was closed on Monday's. The Hubby loves to go out to eat when the weather is bad like snow because the places are almost empty. The problem is getting me into the places. I'm not too stable on my feet when it comes to walking...haha...I have taken a few tumbles in the past few years, three of which were in our garage in the old house. But, I actually walked on the frozen stuff into the wine bar and we enjoyed a few glasses of wine with all of the other two people in there. The Hubby's phone rang and he had an emergency call from a customer so we had to go by there and check his electric meter. Then we decided to pick up Jamils (best steaks in town) and take them home to eat. Yum, yum, yum!

Well, that updates my boring life for the past few hours. Not much to do except to STILL put away Christmas. I'm still trying to get it done but just don't want to. Oh well......

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