Sunday, April 28, 2024

Pride and Tornados in Oklahoma

We are well after the storms last night. The state did not fair as well I'm afraid. Heard on the news where two were killed in one of the smaller communities, one was an infant. So very sad to hear. One town, Sulphur, Oklahoma, they are still rescuing people at this moment, their downtown demolished. Tornados are just horrible but are an inevitable part of the weather system. My husbands father was in one in April 27, 1942, Pryor, Oklahoma. There were 52 killed that year. Oklahoma is not a stranger to tornados at all, Moore, Tulsa, Wagoner, Oklahoma City, too many to name really. December 1975, was the closet I've come to experiencing any kind of loss from a tornado. My husband, boyfriend at the time and I were picking up my engagement ring from the jewelers when one hit east Tulsa where his brother and family lived. We picked up his mother and tried our best to get to east Tulsa to see if the family was okay but couldn't get there. His older brother worked at the railroad in west Tulsa and drove as far as he could and then parked the car and just started running, running to his family. His wife at the time managed apartments there and they lived in one of the apartments with their two small boys. His family survived, there were no deaths that year but the damage was devasting. They absolutely lost everything they owned. Elaine and the boys sheltered in the walk-in sauna by the pool and it was the only thing left standing in the entire apartment complex. In their apartment the only thing left standing was an ironing board, with the iron still on it. Absolute miracle anyone was not killed. I'd never seen anything like it. We went the next day to try and help to recover anything but there was not much to recover. They all came to live with my mother-in-law again. Mind you this was also one month before our wedding. I actually stayed so mad at my brother-in-law for years, honestly still am mad at him for this, but my granny and granddaddy gave me a $1,000 check to give to them to help and when I offered it to Dave, he turned it down and told me they didn't accept charity. Really dude! You have NOTHING, nothing for your family. They needed that but he refused. His PRIDE got in the way and I never forgave him for that. Pride is a bad thing.

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