Wednesday, August 09, 2023

Big Blue Eyes

Good morning.  Look at those bright blue eyes.  Max is doing good and just biding his time till surgery.  Can't wait to hold and snuggle him again.

You will NOT believe what happened Sunday.  They got a "new-not-new" car for both of them to replace the crushed ones.  Nick got his two weeks ago and Sunday he was heading back to OKC to be with Max while Af stayed with Min.  He didn't even make it out of the city when the "new" car made a huge banging noise, and started spewing fluid and multiple warning lights started to light up!  Catastrophic Engine Failure!!!  Something to do with a water pump.
Can the heavens please give them some better luck PLEASE!  It is absolutely crazy what is going on with their life right now.  I'm taking it that there is something more, greater for ALL of them in this life.  

The past few weeks Snicklefritz has been coming in the mornings to stay while her parents are at work.  We've done things like paint, clean up paint, clean out under my sink, my makeup drawer, get donuts, out to eat for breakfast, etc.  Monday (I've been telling we would do this for weeks) we dug into my trunk.  My trunk or as it used to be called "Hope Chest" is in her room when she comes to stay.  I have all kinds of junk in there.  My mother's wedding dress and veil, my wedding dress and veil.  I have letters from friends and pen pals over the years, collections of poems I collected in high school, trinkets, clay work I did in art class over 50 years ago.  Just plain junk.  I even have the back pocket of my bell bottom jeans that I wore completely out.  It was my initials I embroidered but some called it initials for Cute Butt!  
She kind of got bored with some of it and that is totally okay.  I also collected sayings and hung them on my wall.  I loved this one:
and especially loved these.  The last one would have been my mother's mantra.  

Today she is going to spend the night because this getting up early during the summer is getting to her.  HA!  I will totally let her sleep in as long as she wants tomorrow.  Today we will go to the studio again and paint.  Yesterday I spent so much time paying bills and running to the post office and bank that I was not in the mood.  Today is paint day.  Need to finish a landscape and another I've started.  

This is the second day in a row that I have not been awakened by my glands swollen in my throat!  I think I have finally overcome whatever was happening in my body.  I still feel a tiny twinge in the gland and will take some Tylenol to head it off from getting started swelling but I think the tide has turned, only 2 months later.  WTF!

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