Monday, January 02, 2023


 Good Monday morning.  It's 8:29 am and I'm sitting here waiting.  I decided to add a bit of bright sunshine here with the daffodils photo.  Looking forward to spring already and it's only January 2.  I'm waiting to get an email to pick up a small grocery order.  I'm waiting for little Mini to come and be my companion for the next week or two.  I'm waiting for the washer to stop so I can dry the sheets.  I'm waiting for my energy to pick back up so I can take down Christmas.  I seem to do a lot of waiting.  That's okay, I'm a very good waiter.  

This flu thing is getting better and better.  I thought this morning that if I had NOT had the vaccination I might have been a lot sicker.  Of course the rounds of Tamiflu have helped tremendously too.  Yesterday I felt so much better that I got nearly all of my laundry done.  I cleaned the kitchen, dishes and all and wiped surfaces with Clorox wipes.  Got to get rid of the flu germs before Mini arrives.  I even went around and gathered up a lot of the Christmas decor that was spread throughout the front of the house in preparation of storage for another year.  I've been thinking about how I'm going to keep a 3 year old entertained for an extended time.  If the weather keeps staying warm I think we will get Snicklefritz's old tricycle and clean it up and teach Mini how to ride it around the back patio.  Time spent in fresh air...CHECK!  She will also be in her day school Tuesday-Thursday, so there will be time for me to go to the office a bit or even to the studio.  At home maybe more watercoloring and the tricycling.  I'm going to try and not do too much TV time, keep her busy with other things, maybe helping me.  I'm going to try and get her to help in her food preparation, get the step stool out that Snicklefritz used to use a lot to help.  Got to keep her busy mind and body.  Trust me, I'm going to need a vacation when this all over...LOL!  Cabin time.  Looking forward to a lot of time spent at the cabin and possibly with her in tow along with Snicklefritz.  Feels like being a mom again, just a LOT OLDER!  We will get through this and before you know it Max will be here and a big part of our lives.  Tomorrow is the induction day so stay tuned for updates.

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