Monday, July 25, 2022

Negative vs Positive

Good Monday Morning.  Am I really doing this again on a Monday morning, well, yes I am.  It has been a quiet weekend around here.  The plan on Friday was to have Snicklefritz all weekend with us as Af was having her girls weekend at the cabin.  Snicklefritz came and we had a nice Friday evening watching television and just hanging out.  Saturday morning I was up at 5 am, as is usual and I went outside to enjoy the early morning somewhat cooler temperatures.  It was honestly very pleasant even though we don't have a "screened" porch like the cabin.  I fight the mosquitos the minute I walk out the door but I have a thing called a Thermocell I light up and it certainly helps.  I told The Hubby this spring that if he wasn't willing to put in a swimming pool I would like to at least have one of those mosquito systems.  Do I have one yet, NO!  Back to what was about to happen.  As the sun rose I heard The Hubby awake inside getting his coffee and breakfast and he popped out to ask me to wake Snicklefritz so they could go to the flea market.  I got her up, fed her breakfast and dressed then I was back outside to read and journal.  She joined me waiting for him all ready to go.  All of a sudden he popped his head out the sliding door with a mask on and said, "I'm positive."  Well, just SHIT!  I immediately texted Snicklefritz's momma and said come get her.  I then went in to test myself.  Hmmm, I tested negative.  As the day ran on I stayed outside and finished my book and just enjoyed the patio while he sat inside on his laptop and watched television.  I wore my mask inside as did he and we avoided each other.  

Later in the evening I wanted to fix something different, something I've never done before.  I fixed beef short ribs.  I of course did my research on how to cook them and found you cook much like a pot roast.  OMG, so yummy!  I served them over a plate of buttered noodles and he loved it.  When done I filled his plate and he took it in the front dining room and ate and I ate in the kitchen.  He also slept in the front guest bedroom.  
Beef Short Ribs

Yesterday I again got up early and went outside to wake up with the sun.  Nothing much changed but I did fix him breakfast and I told him to just sit at the table.  We went through the day much like before.  I forgot that Saturday he did go into the office to work on invoicing because it is the end of the month and we need to get that out.  I will go in sometime this week and type, Friday is payroll.  He texted our employees and told them he would be in the office masked, but if they needed to come in to mask and just step in the door.  If they really needed him to call his cell.  As yesterday dragged on I began to feel not great.  My head was like full and felt like a head cold but I not to drippy, almost allergy feeling and I could explain that away because I've been spending so much time outside.  Yesterday afternoon I tested again and again it is negative.  This morning, I feel worse, in my head worse only.  I'm going to test again with another brand and we will see but I can almost bet it will be positive.  We'll see.

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