Thursday, July 04, 2013

The #14

Just a quick hello and good morning and HAPPY 4TH OF JULY!  And to impart some good news.  As of June 5, this morning the scale says I have lost 14 pounds!!!!!  Woo Hoo!  I am so excited I can hardly stand it and gives me encouragement to continue on with the diet or lifestyle.  The Hubby is dropping too but he is now asking if he can eat this or that.  I think he may be hungry but I'm not.  I'm very satisfied with what I am preparing.  My only hitch is that I getting kind of tired of constantly chopping and cutting and sauteing and COOKING!  We will have to break down and eat out sometime and I can handle it.  I have book club in a couple of weeks and we will HAVE to go back to Bangkok, our favorite place.  I just have to have a lot of veggies and chicken that is on the buffet and I can do that.