Sunday, August 07, 2011


I decided that I needed to escape this weekend.  Escape from my life and the stresses that have plagued me lately.  So Thursday I told The Hubby that I was heading for the cabin a day early and off I went.  It was wonderful.  He arrived late Friday so that meant I spent time visiting with Harri, going to Wal-Mart, watering the horribly dying flowerbeds, reading and napping.  Saturday night we had three other couples over and everyone brought their own lobster tail and we joined in cooking them on the grill, which none of us had done.  What great fun it was.  During the afternoon we had some sprinkles of rain and later in the evening actual rain, about 30 minutes worth.  Unfortunately some in the area of home had some wind damage from the summer storm including B&B2.  Today they are still without power in this drought and 100 degree + temperature. 
The first little rain splats! 
My feeders were inundated with starving birds. 
Look, I can see his little tongue. 
This stately gentleman, Mr. Goldfinch was just beautiful. 
Two of the helpers putting the meal together.  We had to prep the lobster tails. 
I found them so beautiful. 
Table set and food served! 
Gosh, it was just delicious.  Oh and we learned how to make lemon clarified butter! 
I really should have kept the shells and made some fish stock for soup but I didn't want to mess with it. 
We ladies celebrated with a glass of champagne with a blackberry.  We toasted those who were not able to join us Saturday. 


Afton said...

wow! Looks grand! Hope you got some R&R. Love you.

Carma Sez said...

sorry to hear you've been under such stress - but what a nice escape - and it looks like you've got some great friends.

I've always loved watching hummingbirds. Enjoyed your photos.